important reminders
Thanksgiving Holiday
Monday, November 22 - Friday, November 26
All Snyder ISD campuses and offices will be closed.  View the SISD District calendar here
Enjoy your break!  We will see you on Monday, November 29th.

Thanksgiving Meals & Lunch Visitors
We know many families look forward to visiting campus for the Thanksgiving meals. Although we will serve a special Thanksgiving meal to students, we cannot provide enough meals to accommodate guests this year due to nationwide supply chain issues.  

However, as long as we remain in green status, we welcome parents/legal guardians to eat lunch with their students or drop off food on Fridays.  For student safety, only the legal guardian may bring food for their children. Remember, you must provide a valid ID to enter the school or drop off food.  

Three Week Grades
This Friday marks the end of the third week of the third six weeks.   Now is an excellent time to check your student's grades and attendance records in Skyward before the Thanksgiving break.  This way, if you or your student have questions, you can address them now.  

Visit www.snyderisd/net/success to learn how to:
  • Access attendance records & the official grade book in Skyward
  • See assignments (completed & missing in Schoology)
  • Access the campus help desks
  • Access extra help or tutorials for your students
  • Contact your child's teacher(s)

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's campus.  We're here to help!  

You may contact your child's teacher on ParentSquare or call the school.  
  • Snyder Primary School: 325-574-8600
  • Snyder Intermediate School: 325-574-8650
  • Snyder Junior High School:  325-574-8700
  • Snyder High School: 325-574-8800
If you are unsure who to ask, please reach out to us at the Snyder ISD Administration office at 325-574-8900 or email