Junior High Parents- Take note of the drop off and pick up map attached below. During drop off and pickup times, this is a one way only.

Snyder Primary Parents- Take note of staggered dismissal times, please.
PK-K—3:15 PM
1st Grade—3:30 PM
2nd-3rd Grades—3:45 PM
Dismissal times: Friday
PK-K—1:15 PM
1st Grade—1:25 PM
2nd-3rd Grades—1:35 PM

Have you missed an opportunity to complete the drug policy presentation? Tonight is the last chance before school begins! Stop by the SJHS campus during the 7& 8th-grade open house tonight from 5:30-7:00 and take care of business! Presentations will run every 15 minutes in the library. Parents must accompany their student! All incoming 7th-12th graders UIL participants must attend a presentation. Keep in mind: *Each participant only has to attend one presentation. *All presentations are the same regardless of campus, presenter, or organization. Same policy district-wide. *Parent and participant(s) must attend together.

It's almost time for Meet the Tigers 2019! 7:30-Tiger Stadium! See you there!